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Vented and Fixed Skylights Quick and Easy Installation - Starlight Skylights are installed literally in a fraction of the time it takes to install competitor skylights. The Starlight Skylight is fully assembled at the factory. No assembly on the roof saves installer time and money. Leak Proof - Unique Double Flashing System combined with TIG welded construction absolutely guarantees no air infiltration or water leaks. Pitch of 3/12 - 8/12. Custom Sizes and Shapes - Starlight Skylights are available in fourteen standard sizes or in custom sizes and shapes by special order. Clean, Smooth Appearance - Welded construction of Starlight Skylights provides a superior clean, smooth appearance compared with the screwed and riveted construction of rival skylights. Reduced Energy Costs - Starlight Skylights are insulated with SuperSpacer which dramatically improves the glazing's edge performance, reducing condensation and energy costs. They feature a variety of energy efficient, tempered glazings - Low E, Grey, Bronze, and Solex in addition to clear glass, saving on utility bills. Flat Roof Models - Flat roof applications are available from Starlight Skylights. Learn more about Flat Roof Models > |